In July 2014 Paul premiered a new work, Celestial at the Port Eliot Festival in Cornwall. It received its orchestral premiere at The House, Plymouth University in June 2016. Performances feature time-lapse projections by Cornish film-maker, Graham Gaunt and soundscapes by Chris Watson.
Johnnie Douglas-Pennant
Ivor Novello award-winning composer, Paul K Joyce premieres his moving and powerful new work: CELESTIAL – songs and words inspired by the poems of 7-year-old Johnnie Douglas-Pennant. Featuring the voice of Michael Sheen, Steve Howe on guitar, soundscapes by Chris Watson plus a 12-piece ensemble and projections by Graham Gaunt
Surmounting dyslexia and dyspraxia and aged only 7, Johnnie wrote movingly about nature, the sky, clouds and the death of his sister from Cystic Fibrosis. Johnnie’s promising future was tragically cut short in 2004 when, aged 17 he died in a drowning accident. Following his death his family published his writings and words in Johnnie’s Poems.
Following a commission in 2014, some of Johnnie’s poems have been set to music and have since developed a full orchestral arrangement. Actor, Michael Sheen has recorded all the poems.